The BioDYR Medical device is Functional Underwear for Men, made using a unique fibre that issues a natural and constant energy in the infrared frequency range with a wavelength of between 4 and 14 microns.
The constant emission of infrared rays improves blood circulation, in particular the peripheral micro-circulation, increasing the blood flow to the male genital organs which provides greater local vascular dilation.
BioDYR Functional Underwear for men assists in improving issues relating to erectile dysfunction
When it is worn it has a painless, beneficial effect which is quick with lasting effectiveness over time on the male genital organs and
leads to improvement in sexual function
- IMPROVEMENT in blood circulation, in particular in the areas of peripheral micro-circulation
- INCREASED muscle oxygenation useful for combating hypoxia phenomena which underlies structural changes and dysfunction in the penis due to advancing age and in the presence of comorbidity
4 and 14μm The power of our infrared
- GREATER vascular dilation
- RELAXATION of the muscle
Vascular dilation and relaxation of the muscle are at the base of the neuro-motor phenomena responsible for erectile function